I'm sick of cardboard boxes, scissors, tape, permanent markers, walking through a house full of accumulated random objects from the past 20-some-odd years, saying good-bye. This has been my life for the past few weeks. Though I'm excited to begin pastoring, this in-between stage needs to end. It's like the feeling you get midway through the first semester of your senior year of college: No more homework, let's just move on with life!
Just so you don't think life is THAT horrible, I do have some good news....God sold our house! Kinda nice, since we've been packing it up. Last month we spoke with Matt and Laura Aspinall, children's pastor at Brookhaven. They loved our house and all the decorations, but weren't sure that it was the right time to buy. So we assumed God had some other plan in mind. Then we had them over to our house at the beginning of the month for a party, and they said they'd look closer at getting a loan. Now, we have signed a purchase agreement and will be able to close later this week (BEFORE we move)! Praise God!
Keeping this all in perspective helps with the sickness of packing. At least we won't have to worry about the house after we move. We plan to arrive in Baraboo Aug. 28th, and my first Sunday is Sept. 3rd. Keep us in your prayers, and feel free to email us anytime.
Josh (and Jamie)