Monday, August 27

Prep for 14 Extra People Living in Your Basement

I think the title says it all. The fact that I'm writing almost two months afterward tells you it can be done. It was a joy to fit 16 people through one shower all week. It's part of the mission trip experience. Our Sunday School class has been going through Keith Drury's "There's No I in Church" for the past month or so. The theme is how God uses the church as a body to sanctify us, to make us more like Him. One of the questions He asks is, "Why can't churches be more like mission trips in regard to koinonia, or fellowship?" And the answer is simple: Mission trips provide a group of people an extended period of uninterrupted community. Sleeping in a basement on an air mattress 6 inches from the kid you normally see a few hours a week at church makes it almost impossible for bonding not to take place. Standing in a church basement on a chair with paint in your hair and on your shirt, breathing in paint fumes, isn't something that normally happens on Sunday morning or Wednesday night.

Jamie and I were excited to have the team from Brookhaven here. And we were just as excited to prepare our basement for them to sleep in it. Here are some pics from prep time.

That little black thing is a bug. The wall and floor meet but there's a bit of a crevice between them where these goobers come through. Jamie was washing the wall and they just started popping out. I couldn't spray them fast enough, so this was option 2. Remember the game where the gophers come out of the holes and you hit them on the head? Same thing. Gross! Oh, I killed about 30 that day.

Jamie and I both washed the floor. What a difference scrubbing the floor and walls made to the smell. When we moved in, the entire basement was full of church clutter which create a less-than-pleasant smell. Now it's a liveable space. Can anyone say "TLC"?

We also cleaned the panels for our lights. No more dead bugs up there.

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