Have you ever had a project you wanted to tackle but knew you couldn't do it on your own? Our recent projects were painting the church basement, weeding around the outside of the church and putting on a VBS. We know that without God providing 14 extra helping hands we couldn't have done any of it.
To those of you from the BWC team who came and helped, thank you so much. Our congregation loves the basement and we still see Ryan. We're getting ready to add some landscaping to the church next month.
The team arrived Monday July 30th. We showed them the church, set up shower and meal prep arrangements, had devos and went to bed. Then the fun began. Tuesday morning we started taping and painting the church basement. Some of the guys worked outside to weed around the building and did a great job. That night we held a youth service for a few of the teens that come to the church. This was their first experience with a youth group and hopefully is a taste of what we'll have (someday). Pastor Tony preached a great message about God's unconditional love with a little help from Rob Bell (Lump).
Wednesday through Friday days were the same as Tuesday: paint and weed. Those nights we held a VBS. We had one boy show up each night, a 6 yr old named Ryan who lives 2 houses down. He had a blast with kickball and enjoyed learning the memory verses each night. While we were disappointed to have so many volunteers and only one kid, we know Ryan loved it. Plus it's given Jamie and I a connection with his parents.
Saturday Jamie took the team to Devil's Lake even though it rained. They had fun hiking the trails and warming up back at the house.
Sunday the team presented our VBS songs and verses and stories for the congregation using Powerpoint slides and a guitar and worship DVDs. These are all things our church has had little or no experience with, so we're glad we could use the VBS as an "excuse" to introduce them. That afternoon we went to Noah's Ark, the largest outdoor waterpark in the US. It's 15 minutes north of us in Wisconsin Dells. Think of Cedar Point with lots of water.
Monday August 6th was farewell. We were sad to see them go. Here are pictures of our week together.

Haley cleaning the women's bathroom prior to painting. Let's just say it's not good to touch or breathe in mold.
How many teens can you fit on a couch?

Before #1
Before #2

Our cousin Crystal and Jessie removing old curtain rods.

Allie working her tail off to rinse paint rollers and brushes. When you use 9 different colors this becomes a difficult task :)
Jewel, Jessie and Haley painting the back wall of the basement.

Jewel starting to paint "the squares." You would not believe how many times we taped and retaped so we could paint this correctly. You can only paint in every other square, both horizontally and vertically. Then pull out the hair dryers to help the dry time, pull off the old tape (in places) and put up new tape. Repeat process. It took us to Saturday morning just before family members showed up for a memorial service to finish this wall.

After #1. Yes that's me jumping like an idiot.

After #2

Ryan, our VBS kid and neighbor.
1 comment:
What a fun wall! I like it!!
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