Tuesday, July 3

Church Remodeling

We're getting excited about some upcoming changes to our building. We met with DeLon Davis, the man in charge of it all, today. He's lining up guys to do the electrical, glass, and drywall work. And Jamie's been working hard getting prices on all the inside decorative/practical things like curtains, paint, coat racks, etc. We hope to start as soon as possible. Once we get prices to the District Board and they approve them, we'll get to work.

Teams from Brookhaven Wesleyan and possibly Main Street Wesleyan and Warsaw Wesleyan in Indiana have volunteered to help, along with Hillsboro Wesleyan, the First Church of the Nazarene (Baraboo) and Lakeshore Church (Madison) in Wisconsin. Plus Jamie and I will devote every possible moment to the projects.

We've been doing car washes and bake sales to raise money as well as put out a "wheelbarrow for change" in the sanctuary (thanks Brookhaven for that idea). Plus the contractors have offered to volunteer some of the work for a tax write-off. God is slowly but surely working things out. Things like not having to draw up plans for the county (8-10 thousand dollars), providing a man who went to IWU in DeLon, and providing many people to volunteer.
If you could pray with us that the necessary plans would be approved (those that the Lord would deem appropriate--we're hoping we can do an extreme makeover!) and also that the finances would be provided somehow to cover the expenses. We really feel like this is one large step that we can make to become a welcoming environment & viable option for those in our community.

Here are some pics of the building to give you an idea of what we have now:

The platform area

Our sign out front

Inside the sanctuary . . .

Looking into the entry area

Our 1960's windows--imagine with us Pizza Hut cups in a light yellow hue


Allie said...


thats my blog,

<3 allie

kristenlea47 said...

Remodeling is always exciting! Hope all goes well!