Monday, June 25

Wow, It's been a month

An entire month since we last posted . . . we've been running ragged--so here's a quick update on our to come when I can find the camera.

Car Wash/Bake Sale---was FABULOUS. Four out of our 5 new families participated, as well as 14ish teens/kids. We made $440 and sent 3 girls to camp with the rest of the money going toward our remodeling fund. One of the best days since we've moved up here.

Vacation--HECTIC. We spent 37 hours in a vehicle, made 2 trips to Michigan, were at graduation for Josh's brother, Andy, a funeral for our friend, Eldine, the hospital with my grandpa, and the car repair/rental place, as well as Marion/Brookhaven/home & with both sets of families. Great time, but we had to crash when we returned because we were so worn out.

The next week brought church catch-up and remodeling pricing & helping friends move. . . and then last week was District Conference...where we learned not to always go for the cheap motel room when you really desire and desperately need a good night's sleep. Conference was was good to be with fellow Wesleyans and other pastoral couples. We got to know Ben & Ingrid Kidder better. They are church planting in Minong, WI, a village of 500 people. Their previous church was going through the refocusing process like ours is now, so they had some great insight and encouragement to share with us. And the worship & speakers at conference were fabulous! We got home late Friday night to an overflowing answering machine and a list of long to-do's for this week, including the funeral of a young man who passed way tragically. Pray for Josh as he officiates this funeral tomorrow...that he might have inspired words of comfort and hope for the family & friends.

Master's Praise gave a concert at our church on Sunday morning....and were FABULOUS (this is my new favorite word)...we had a great time with Brent, Branden, Dan, and was nice to have "college-aged" guys around the house and the church...and our congregation loved the concert ("Wow, those guys were awesome! Can they ever sing!"). Today, while Josh worked through his day off, I baby-sat 2 kids whose family has been coming to our church recently. I had so much fun watching T-ball, reading stories and playing with them...and my respect is renewed for all of you who are parents already. I was tired when they left!

So, that's the short & sweet update...hope all is well. It's nice to be back at the keyboard again after a month away.

1 comment:

Stephen and Michelle said...

I was tired just reading your post ;)

Looks a little more promising for August...Stephen talked to our new 20's Sunday School class about doing a missions trip up to Wisconsin. It would probably be a Wednesday through a you have a preference for the week???

Anyway, I am getting pretty excited and hopefully we get a carload to come help at your church!